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Rubin’s Tel-Aviv - a salute to Tel-Aviv on the city’s
75th anniversary
Chana Orloff: Portraits - a joint exhibition with the HerzliyaMuseum
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Agadati: 4 Faces - dancer, painter,film maker and a Tel Aviv bohemian
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Rubin portrays his friends - portraits of fellow artists, poets and writers
reflecting Israel’s history
“60 Years Later” - a revival of the “Modern Artists” exhibitions at the
1926-1928 ,“Ohel” Theater
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Shimshon Holzman: oil paintings
Zvika Zelikovich: “Help!” - photographs of early Tel-Aviv buildings
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Gani Dorin: “Odessa Memories” - drawings, watercolors and pastels
reflecting on Odessa as the one time center of Hebrew writers
Rubin: Jerusalem Landscapes - in honor of Israel’s 40th anniversary
(later exhibited at the Israel Museum, Jerusalem)
“Rovina” - portraits of the first lady of the Hebrew Theatre,
honoring her centenary
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Tel-Aviv at Eighty - a salute to Tel-Aviv on the
city’s 80th anniversary
The early Rubin (1916 - 1923)
From Rumania to Eretz-Israel
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Mane-Katz at the Rubin Museum
Rubin at the Mane-KatzMuseum, Haifa
Aharon Giladi – an exhibition on his 85th anniversary
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Nahum Gutman: “The secret of the Orange Grove” -
erotic drawings from the 1920’s
curator: Gideon Ofrat
Portraits of a Poet - portraits of Chaim Nachman Bialik,
drawings and illustrations to his writings
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Arieh El-Hanani - painter, designer, architect
Rubin: a self portrait - marking Rubin’s centenary
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Rubin paints for the Theatre - sketches for costumes and stage designs
“...And the Artist is Job!”: hidden Expressionism
in the Eretz-Israeli art (1919-1924)
curator: Gideon Ofra
“An Encounter”: leading Israeli artists
in tribute of Rubin’s centenary
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Boris Carmi: “Time Photographed” - 50 years of photography by one of Israel’s pioneer professional press photographers
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Elias Newman: “The last of the first ones” - paintings from the 1920’s and 1930’s
Ruth Horam: “From plane to point and line”- monotypes on paper
Menashe Kadishman: pastel drawings to poems by Nathan Zach
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Yosl Bergner: “Between Seas”- seascapes inspired by Boudin
Jan Rauchwerger: “Four hours period”- portraits of poets and their poetry
Yehuda (Idel) Shtanger: pastels
coinciding with Tami Gross and Yuval Cohen's documentary
“Sane-Insane” about Beit Shalev
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Rubin: Home Visit
Rarely seen paintings from public and private collections in Israel and abroad
in celebration of Israel’s Golden Jubilee
David Sharir: “Jaffa, Belle of the Seas”
cityscapes inspired
by S.Y. Agnon
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In days gone by. At this time
Contemporary photographs and Rubin paintings from the
Collection of the Israel Phoenix and other collections
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Jean David – Many Faces – drawing, paintings, collages
Ha'Gal Ha' Kal - Israel video works
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Lea Nikle – from the figurative to the abstract.
The Paris Years 1950-1961
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Zvi Lachman – Poet's Portraits
Yehiel Segal: drawings and watercolors
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Van Gogh in Tel Aviv
(Israeli artists responding to Van Gogh's art and his myth)
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Ida Reicher
Needlework Art after Rubins' early depictions of Tel Aviv
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Building a Place: Critical Landscape Photography
"Resonance Boxes" – Artists transform discarded violin cases
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"In Danna's Eyes" children's photography (Danna-Duek Hospital)
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"Still Waters" watercolors by Shimshon Holzman
"An Architect's Paintbrush": Chaim Heinz Fenchel
(exhibited in Centrum Judaicum, Berlin, 2015)
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Neil Folberg: "Serpents Cronical", Photographs
David Sharir paintings: "David Psalms"
Showplaces: thoughts about reality, documentation and art in Rubins
paintings and in historical photography
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Fima (Ephraim Roeytenberg)
"Chinese notebooks", works on paper
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Between Landscape and Abstract,
From the isreali Art Collection of the Discount Bank marking Discount Bank's 80th anniversary
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Aharon Halevi
A Pioneer, Agriculturist and Painter
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The Firon Collection
Israeli Art in a Private Collection
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Plants by Night
The Flora of Jerusalem
Maty Grunberg: drawings and prints
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Reuven Rubin in 1948
A special display marking Israel's 70 years of independence